Exhibitions and Events 2024

Black & white coil pot 4RE

St Barbe Open  2024 – I was thrilled to have my  ‘On Impact’ coil pot selected for this prestigious exhibition. It had been treated with black slip and the technique of sgraffito used, meaning that the surface had been drawn into, revealing the clay colour underneath. The starting point was drawings that I produced based on the shattered ice on  forest ponds.

Hillview Art open studio event is coming round fast and we all look forward to spending time with visitors.      Dates are: Saturday 10th August – Monday 26th August; our opening times are 10.30 – 4.30 pm, the only variation is the Bank Holiday, when we close at 4.00pm.

As always there will be new creations from us all – Amy Lancaster, Judy Warbey and Geoff Knott.                             

The Wellow spinners will be here every day, demonstrating, nattering – going through all the processes from fleece to creative outcome!

Spinners at workRE

In addition we look forward to welcoming a new young artist, the black and white photography of Joshua Paton. This very evocative study is entitled ‘Passenger’.


As usual the garage sale will be a major feature, in aid of the Wild Life charities, with our homemade refreshments also boosting their funds.    

Across the year I have been working on a body of work based on a visit to Northern Ireland in 2023.                       

The Giants Causeway has provided me with opportunities to experiment freely with a wide range of media on different surfaces; starting from expressive sketchbook drawings.

Giants CausewayREIMG_1529REIMG_1521RE



On a winter’s day I was  driving home and my eye was caught by the impact of the trees against the local sky and landscape, they appeared to be etched into it; the impact of their branches on a crisp clear day.         

Quickly I gathered up my camera and drawing materials and walked from home to recapture the moment. Hence another block of time has gone into their development, starting frequently from a surface that was cut into with lino cutting tools!In Praise of Trees 1RE  In Praise of Trees 3RE  IMG_1853RE

Interestingly all Geoff Knott’s work originates from locally sourced wood e.g. yew from Brockenhurst; lilac from Ringwood and ash and cherry from Blashford Lakes.



Currently my studio is filled with glass: coloured Bullseye glass leaning against the studio walls and cut pieces of float glass covering the work surfaces.  Cut butterfly wings are beginning to take shape and will be mounted into metal stands when completed and fired.

While the garden has provided starting points for circles of flower; some in float exploring inclusions,  others will explore cut colours and shapes.

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Ceramics is to follow. Realistically it is tricky to work these two media in the same space at a similar time! Fragments of glass are a hazard, I speak from bitter experience. Starting points for this work will be drawings of the garden birds, leading to sculptural forms; the wild meadow a stimulus for slab pots.



and my forest walks – to be featured on clay postcards!

A warm welcome is extended to you all, Angela and friends.

Future date for your diary:

Hillview Art’s Festive Weekend-

November 16th and 17th: 10.30 – 4.00 pm.